

We offer different types of Sedation in our office that your endodontist will recommend for your procedure if necessary.

Why would I need Sedation?

Sedation Dentistry is one of the best ways to calm your nerves about your upcoming appointment. There are a number of reasons we may recommend sleep dentistry. If you have severe dental anxiety, a bad gag reflex, or issues sitting still, sedation dentistry might be right for you.


Here at Essential Endodontics, our experienced sedation dentists offer Conscious Sedation, IV Sedation, and Nitrous Oxide. IV sedation is performed at our Fort Worth location only.


What is IV Sedation?

IV sedation, also known as “deep conscious sedation,” is a safe and effective treatment for people with moderate to severe anxiety. Medication is administered directly into your bloodstream so it acts quickly to sedate you. Before, during, and after the treatment, we’ll monitor your heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure. IV sedation dentistry is used for people who have longer, more complex, and multiple dental procedures done without anxiety or discomfort. 

What is Conscious Sedation?

We offer a variety of different types of conscious sedation in pediatric dentistry to help find what fits the needs of you or your child best while assisting you in reaching the appropriate level of relaxation during an exam or procedure. We utilize a combination of medications to relax and sedate the patient while simultaneously blocking pain with a local anesthetic. When using conscious sedation dentistry, the patient is still awake and may not be able to talk, but they will not feel any potential pain of the exam or procedure. This also allows the patient to return to normal activities sooner in the day than with the use of general anesthesia.

What is Nitrous Oxide?

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a nitrogen-oxygen mixture that you inhale through a nose mask during your treatment. As you breathe in the nitrous oxide, you will experience a relaxed or even euphoric sensation. Nitrous oxide can help you feel calm and at ease throughout your treatment. Nitrous oxide sedation is very safe: the effects will wear off within just a few minutes after we remove your nose mask, and you can legally and safely drive yourself home after your appointment.